How I Add Value to an Event

I wear a hat. That is not all, but it is a noteworthy start.  I also wear red socks.
How about the fact I can fill in at short notice
(subject to availability).
Still not convinced?

As a Speaker

Experience in health, training in professional presenting and enthusiasm for my topic and audience all combine for a memorable presentation.

Content will be tailored to the audience and to the theme or goal of the conference, meeting or event.

If you book me to speak I will speak. I will not open a shopfront and try to sell other products or services.

I will make you and your organisation look good. If not brilliant.

Professionalism. Integrity. Humour.


As a Master of Ceremonies

If you want a dry, methodical, predictable and totally correct MC for an event – go back to your Google search: I am not for you.

Still here, good.  My role as MC will be totally appropriate to the look and feel of the event and to the sensitivities of the organisers and the audience. This of course could range from mildly amusing to knee-wobblingly hysterical. Just give me a clue what you are after.

My experience presenting and compering at medical conferences, Chambers of Commerce, Awards Events, Speakers conferences and so on gives me the confidence to match content to the nature of the event and to link elements and people in appropriate and maybe surprising ways.

I will make every presenter look and feel brilliant.


As a Panelist or Debater

On a serious panel I am totally professional, even more so if I know something about the topic.

As a serious debater I am totally unknown. Never done one.  However for the light-hearted, poke fun at the opponents, goad the audience and generally make a goose of myself type debate I am totally in my element. I may even stick to time.

I will make a useful contribution to your event and probably to the issue at hand.


As a Parking Valet

Sounds good to me.  What could possible go wrang…..


Call me on 0417734161.


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